staying in school.. =( waiting for weiyi to finish her fyp thingy~
finished my CRM e learning le.. still have 2 more subject to go! =______=
yesterdae meet up with lifeng to pass him the laptop. and as we were taking the train, he mentioned that we only got 1 week of holidae! lol.. i tot we were having 2 weeks of elearning! -.= ( i tot last time 2 weeks de?) anyway, cant change it either.. have to study my test and rush my elearning le..
i have come up with a new design for my fyp.. hmm.. shuhui and celine have nt seen the design yet.. try to edit the previous one but it was veri difficult. still it looks so plain.. nvm.. see how it goes..! everyone hopes to do the best for the group ya!
recently sis jus bought a dress.. veri nice.. but to MY FAMILY.. its kinda short.. haha.. but its the trend.. and she look pretty wearing tat dress..and mum and i was discussing yesterdae tat it is quite dangerous for her to come home alone so late.. *10 plus* COS she was wearing a short skirt..hahaha... i guess we are jus too paranoid..cos everyone is wearing tat, its jus that sis was the first to try in our family..haha.. reserved mummy and me? lol... mum was so cute and asked me.. dun u think its too short.. veri dangerous..loL... CUTE sia.. i replied..
Trend hahaha...
oo.. weiyi sae that i look like a small piggy..LOL.. do i? and i sae tat she look like a doggie.. == tis doggie is really taking lonG! FASTER LA...
ph ya.. browsing at my cousin frenster when i saw this..

OMg.. tis cat looks like a pig to me..LOL