didnt went to novena.. cos roy is on leave todae.. Ya! so Qiao! and i went to jp to collect the movie tix and together wif my dear parents.. haha..i acc them to kfc to have their dinner.. on the way down, i saw BIO ESSENCE having a promotion.
and without thinking, i just bought the 24K Bio golD!

then went home LE!

i guessed i know how its feel le..
I went with weiyi for rebonding last week? and the hairdresser sae that my skin is very good.. WELL! the next few day,
2 STUPID pimple pop out! on my forehead! -__________________________________________________________-
anyway i trim my eyebrow le.. and tat STUPID (*lol.. stupid again.. limited vocab) Gek POh auntie increased the price from 5$ to 10$.. NO brand somemore.. WELL! BEST! i wont go there EVER AGAIN!
anyway, i guessed fancl realli works.. the essence.. *for me =)
i hope this bio essence works for my dark circle too..
SK2 attracts my attention.. i am still deciding whether to go for their talk!